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We can help you find your authentic talent.

If not you, then who? Finding your authentic talent and
pursuing your dreams.

As a thirty year seasoned producer who has worked at MTV for over 20 years, worked with all A-list talent in media & arts from Lady Gaga to RUN DMC, launched TV Land, Co-Produced Emmy-nominated TV Specials & content and booked various film documentaries, I’ve decided to share my secrets to success with YOU.

But wait, there’s more. As a creator and creative consultant, I’m also offering my expertise to help you bring your wildest ideas to life. Whether you’re looking to create the next big hit or simply need some guidance on your passion project, I’m here to help you make it happen. So, what are you waiting for? Join the Thrive with Drive family today and let’s take your career to new heights. Together, we’ll make your dreams a reality and leave a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.

Specializing In:

  • Career Guidance and Goal Setting
  • Skill Development and Training
  • Personal Branding and Marketing Strategies
  • Emotional Support and Confidence Building
  • Leadership and Professional Development
  • Work-Life Balance and Self-Care Practices
  • Continuous Learning and Growth Mindset

Check out my expertise in media here: IMDB

So, Explore Expert Secrets.

Join the Thrive with Drive family today and let’s take your career to new heights.

Together, we’ll make your dreams a reality and leave a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.
Harness Your Creative Genius and Get Career Coaching Today