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Put on your own oxygen mask

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Hello my incredible friends/colleagues/noble soul travelers!
I hope everyone has been taking time to put on your own oxygen mask as we navigate uncertain times, especially in the media business. Self-care is one of the most important things to do when things are overwhelming. I know, because I aim for balance every single day. I have a few tricks to stay in a balanced mindset (nothing is ever perfect)…but as they say, progress, not perfection. One of those life hacks for me is writing, journaling, DJ’ing and staying connected to community.
We are aiming to do that every month with updates, positive reinforcement, and other support through Drive’s Dossier. If you have already signed up, you will be receiving October’s Dossier in a few weeks. If you haven’t join us just yet, please help support us just by bringing some energy to the Drive family (yes, energy is support too and I love seeing familiar faces on our mailchimp signups!). To get our monthly Drive’s Dossier, please sign up here.
If you prefer to read up on our controlled chaos (half joking!), you can always visit us here on Drive’s website! I want to take a moment here to thank my amazing brother and his incredible colleagues at Assorted Internet. Especially Michelle & Mike. My heart is with them & all of our friends who have been affected these past few weeks as they have been dealing with the aftermath of the hurricanes.
As we slide into the 4th quarter of 2024, I invite you to share with us anything you feel grateful for. I would love to even include that in our next Drive Dossier if you allow us to! I say this on my weekly Twitch show, but I truly mean this… We need to raise our collective vibrations on this planet to be better souls growing together. I only want to lead with love and be the best version I can while here on Earth.
So, to kickstart a gratitude attitude mindset, I am grateful for Chris & all he does, hugs from my kids, petting Copper, my brother/confidant, my parents support, my extended family, friends, clients, agency partners, my Twitch fam & mods, vinyl, eyesight to read the zillions of books I have on my desk (yes, that Twilight Zone episode STILL haunts me!), coffee, The Mets (we have been underdogs for too long!), and the ability to serve the universe as best as I can.
‘If you appreciate what you have, it opens a door to happiness’— Ken Honda
In appreciation always!